Accurate MCap

Will allow users to view MoonX's accurate current market capitalization

Expected release is end of Q3 to mid Q4. (This tool will likely be integrated with the statistics tool into a dashboard)

As tokens are distributed into multi-sig wallets for different allocation purposes, the market cap of MoonX will artificially increase. There is currently no way around this in the Algorand ecosystem. This tool will track wallets that have funds allocated to them and accurately represent what the actual current market capitalization is.


At the time of writing (03/29/22), MoonX has a market capitalization of approximately $31,000. Once funds (665,000,000,000 MoonX) are allocated to our year 2 and year 3 addresses, the market capitalization will be artificially increased to approximately $700,000.


Track the wallet addresses that hold tokens that are allocated for their respective purposes and display that information on a page, either in the app, incorporated into the statistics page, or on the site.

Last updated